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Table of contents

1. Understand the Matter

fist cycle of the project process diagram - understand and define

1.1 Current state of the app

collection of social media posts looking for other people to play or temporarily substitute a team

1.2 App audit

1.3 Learning from other apps

1.4 Findings and concept

2. Anticipate the Scope

second cycle of the project process diagram - Anticipate the Scope

2.1 Clear your head

2.2 Complexity of a user flow

2.3 Edge cases of use

3. Between Abstract and Detailed

fourth cycle of the project process diagram - rearranging menu and first implementations

3.1 Helicopter view

3.2 Understanding the small to question the large

3.3 Big decisions not made easy

“Focusing the app on one sport would probably strengthen it, ...”

3.4 Mobile first

3.5 Visitor to user

“How visitors can see and use the web app compared to registered users...”

3.6 How to read the map

“Again: Almost everything is connected - examine individual areas of the app down to the details, to understand the big picture.”

3.7 The core - the activities

3.8 A-B-C Variants

4. First Implementations

process diagram chapter four of restructuring the menu and first implementations by the developer

4.1 Menu navigation

4.2 Top-Nav-Bar

4.3 Set a "homezone" on the map

4.5 Feedback and further improvement ideas

4.6 User profiles

5. Visual Design

process diagram chapter 5

5.1 Logo redesign

5.2 Tokens

5.3 Components

5.4 Activities overview screen (Home)

5.5 Create an event dialog

5.6 Participate in an event dialog

6. Project Conclusion